
119 lines
3.2 KiB

* CUDA version.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "../config.cuh"
#include "../utils.cuh"
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#define THREADS_BLOCK 256;
__host__ void check_status(cudaError_t cuda_status, char *msg) {
if (cuda_status != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, msg);
fprintf(stderr, ": ");
fprintf(stderr, cudaGetErrorString(cuda_status));
fprintf(stderr, " (error code: %d)\n", cuda_status);
__global__ void initialize_matrix_on_gpu(float *x, int n, float init_value, borders b, cudaError_t *cuda_status) {
int i, j;
int nb = n + 2;
/* Initialize borders */
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
x[IDX(nb, 0, i)] = b.north;
x[IDX(nb, n + 1, i)] = b.south;
x[IDX(nb, i, 0)] = b.west;
x[IDX(nb, i, n + 1)] = b.east;
/* Initialize the rest of the matrix */
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
x[IDX(nb, i, j)] = init_value;
__global__ void iterate(int n, float *x, float *new_x) {
int idx, nb;
int i, j;
nb = n + 2;
idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
i = idx / nb;
j = idx % nb;
if (i >= 1 && i <= n && j >= 1 && j <= n) {
new_x[idx] = 0.25 * (x[IDX(nb, i - 1, j)] + x[IDX(nb, i, j + 1)] + x[IDX(nb, i + 1, j)] + x[IDX(nb, i, j - 1)]);
__host__ float *compute_jacobi(int n, float init_value, float threshold, borders b, int *iterations) {
float *x, *new_x;
float *x_gpu, *new_x_gpu;
float *tmp_x;
float max_diff;
int i, j;
int nb = n + 2; // n plus the border
int blocks_number;
int threads_block = THREADS_BLOCK;
cudaError_t cuda_status;
// Select the GPU
check_status(cudaSetDevice(0), "cudaSetDevice failed!");
/* Create the matrixes on the GPU */
x_gpu = create_sa_matrix_on_gpu(nb, nb, &cuda_status);
check_status(cuda_status, "create_sa_matrix_on_gpu failed!");
new_x_gpu = create_sa_matrix_on_gpu(nb, nb, &cuda_status);
check_status(cuda_status, "create_sa_matrix_on_gpu failed!");
/* Initialize the matrixes */
initialize_matrix_on_gpu<<<1, 1>>>(x_gpu, n, init_value, b, &cuda_status);
check_status(cuda_status, "initialize_matrix_on_gpu failed!");
initialize_matrix_on_gpu<<<1, 1>>>(new_x_gpu, n, init_value, b, &cuda_status);
check_status(cuda_status, "initialize_matrix_on_gpu failed!");
/* Iterative refinement of x until values converge */
x = retrieve_sa_matrix_from_gpu(x_gpu, nb, nb, &cuda_status);
check_status(cuda_status, "retrieve_sa_matrix_from_gpu failed!");
blocks_number = nb / threads_block + 1;
*iterations = 0;
do {
iterate<<<blocks_number, threads_block>>>(n, x_gpu, new_x_gpu);
new_x = retrieve_sa_matrix_from_gpu(new_x_gpu, nb, nb, &cuda_status);
check_status(cuda_status, "retrieve_sa_matrix_from_gpu failed!");
max_diff = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
max_diff = fmaxf(max_diff, fabs(new_x[IDX(nb, i, j)] - x[IDX(nb, i, j)]));
tmp_x = new_x;
new_x = x;
x = tmp_x;
tmp_x = new_x_gpu;
new_x_gpu = x_gpu;
x_gpu = tmp_x;
} while (max_diff > threshold);
x = retrieve_sa_matrix_from_gpu(x_gpu, nb, nb, &cuda_status);
check_status(cuda_status, "retrieve_sa_matrix_from_gpu failed!");
return x;